Traffic management updates

Cashel Street (west of stadium) - detour advisory 24.02

Temporary road closure on Cashel Street between Madras Street and the easternmost driveway at 203 Cashel Street (Les Mills). This will be in place for approximately five weeks, Monday 24 February - Saturday 29 March, while we complete some streetscape upgrades such as installation of new communication services, traffic light infrastructure, kerbing and pavements.

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Progress updates

Newsletter updates

We are sending out fortnightly updates to our stakeholder database about our work on Te Kaha Surrounding streets upgrades. These updates cover:

  • Our progress so far
  • Work planned in the next two weeks
  • Additional information about the project.

You can sign up to receive these newsletters here and you can read our past newsletters by following the links below.

Investigations update 26.07

Work starting 09.08

Progress update 23.08

Progress update and information about temporary water shut off 09.09

Progress update 20.09

General project updates

Transport works approved 21.08

Christchurch City Councillors voted to carry out upgrades to the transport network on the streets immediately around Te Kaha, Canterbury’s Multi-Use Arena on Tuam, Barbadoes and Madras Streets, as well as some essential works on Lichfield Street west from Madras Street to Manchester Street.

Works are already underway to upgrade the water infrastructure to future-proof the network for the surrounding neighbourhood. These works also serve the new stadium, which is on track to open in April 2026.

The transport elements will take place directly following the water works, starting immediately.

You can read the newsline article here.

Water shut off information

Business or building owners

If you are the owner of a building with a fire sprinkler we recommend you notify your insurance company about the water shut off.


If you are a tenant, please let your landlord know about the planned work.


If you run a business or process which requires a constant supply of water, you must provide your own water storage appropriate to the business or process circumstances.

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What to do when your water comes back on

When the water is shut off, it is possible for air to become trapped. When the water is reinstated and flows through the pipes, the air is pushed out under pressure and can cause a noise in the pipe. This air release, known as ‘banging’, can shake rust or scale from the pipe walls.

To remove the rust please turn on your outside tap and allow the water to run through the pipes for a few moments to give them a good ‘flush’. By doing this you will stop any debris being drawn inside. It’s simple to do, and only takes a few minutes, but would save you having to call in a plumber to clean out fitting within your house at a later date.

When we turn the water back on you may also see us open the nearest fire hydrants to flush out the pipes on the street.

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Pre-construction updates

Start works notice - Monday 15th July

From Monday 15 July, our team will be on-site scoping the works ahead. Temporary traffic management measures will be in place throughout the works. Construction is scheduled to begin in early August 2024.

Please view the start works notice here - Start works notice

Meet the contractor - Monday 22nd July

We know that construction work is disruptive, but we have some control about how we plan, stage and time our work. We want to understand you and/or your business in order to keep construction impacts as low as we can.

We're running two meet the contractor sessions where we’ll have a presentation on who we are, the upcoming works, and then a chance for Q&A.

You can find details of these sessions in the invite below.

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