Ongoing projects

Like any construction company, our shop window is the projects that we are involved in. From the initial planning to the final handover our work is very visible, ensuring that everything we do is in keeping with our values. We are very proud of the work we are doing, some of which is listed below.

20241114 Map All surrounding Streets

Te Kaha Surrounding Streets

Christchurch Central

To support the growing south-east central neighbourhood and to get ready for One New Zealand Stadium to open in 2026, we are upgrading the water infrastructure and transport network in the area.

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Image looking across intersection

Levi/Lowes/Masefield/Lincoln Rolleston intersection upgrade

Rolleston, Selwyn

This work is a long-term project for the Council to upgrade this arterial road for Rolleston, to improve safety and prepare the intersection for future traffic. It will involve new lane layouts on the approaches to the intersection, traffic lights, cycle lanes and signalised pedestrian crossings.

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Image looking down the road

Nor'West Arc cycleway and wastewater upgrades


Work is about to get under way in early 2025 on constructing the most northern section of the Nor'West Arc Te Ara O-Rakipaoa cycleway. We're also completing wastewater pipe renewals in the area and upgrading the stormwater and water supply networks.

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