
Like any construction company, our shop window is the projects that we are involved in. From the initial planning to the final handover our work is very visible, ensuring that everything we do is in keeping with our values. We are very proud of the work we are doing, some of which is listed below.


Tennyson Street and Rolleston Drive Intersection Upgrade

Tennyson Street and Markham Way, Rolleston

Rolleston has been one of the fastest-growing towns in New Zealand, and the Rolleston Town Centre is a key project for Selwyn's district to cater to this growth.

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Dunedin Peninsula Connection SP 7

Peninsula and Portobello Road

The Peninsula Connection was a road widening, pedestrian, cyclist, and safety improvements project undertaken across 26km of the Dunedin Peninsula between Portsmouth Drive and the Royal Albatross Centre Dunedin Harbour Mouth.

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MCR Little

Major Cycle Routes Christchurch City Council


In 2015 CCC approved thirteen major cycle routes delivered over a seven-year period. A network of Major Cycle Routes is being built connecting suburbs, shopping areas, businesses, and schools. The new cycleways offer safe and direct routes around the city, help to reduce congestion and make our city a greener, healthier place to live.

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Heathcote Picture 3

Major Cycle Route - Heathcote Expressway and Cumnor Terrace


The Major Cycle Route (MCR) Heathcote Expressway’s purpose was to offer reasonably direct routes well connected to a city-wide cycle network and to provide a safe route to all cyclists from Heathcote to the Central City.

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Kilmore completed

Kilmore Street Reconstruction


The Kilmore Street reconstruction works formed part of the Central City Transport Recovery programme and involved a complete street upgrade from Colombo Street to Durham Street North and a part upgrade of the five-way intersection where Kilmore Street meets Durham Street North.

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Picture 2 MCR Quarrymans Trail AFTER construction

Major Cycle Route Quarryman's Trail - Victors to Strickland

Victors to Strickland, Christchurch

This project was carried out as part of the Major Cycle Routes panel, constructed in Christchurch. This particular route was designed to connect Halswell and the City Centre of Christchurch.

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Picture 2 Office Precinct Roading

Christchurch International Airport Limited Office Precinct

Christchurch Airport

In 2018 the CIAL commenced a development known as the Agri Export Precinct. A high profile 2.5-hectare site at the main entrance of the campus and bounded on two sides by main arterial roads. The development, when complete, will include three multi-level office buildings, shared central park space and car parking.

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